
 Engineering Stories – Royal Academy of Engineering

 Delighted to see our contribution included in the ‘Engineering Stories’ project from Royal Academy of Engineering! Engineers are absolutely needed, now more than ever, to overcome the challenges we face. Climate Change is The challenge of the age.

ETP Annual Conference

It has been great to present our work on thermo-mechanical energy storage at the ETP annual conference 2019! We had a day packed with inspiring presentations and discussions – with energy constantly at the forefront. Well done to the organizers and thanks to ERA for supporting our attendance.

UK Heat Transfer Conference in Nottingham!

Our paper about the manufacturability of LHTES Topology Optimization based designs contributed to the session on energy storage and conversion, a big thanks to the organizing team for this great event! 

Hej Västerås, ICAE

This week we took part to the 11th International Conference on Applied Energy in the vibrant city of Västerås, Sweden. It has been a great opportunity to showcase our most recent works on energy storage, with two oral presentations.

Prof. Yuanwei Lu visiting from Beijing University of Technology

We had two great days with Prof. Yuanwei Lu and Mr Qiang Yu from Beijing University of Technology, insightful presentations and fruitful discussions – We are looking forward to collaborating on Thermal Energy Storage!

Thanks to the Royal Society for supporting this International Exchange and to all the researchers who took part in the workshop.

Oustanding paper award!

Our work with Oxfordnanosystems on cryogenic heat transfer for LAES has been awarded at the 2019 HEFAT conference! A big thanks to Innovate UK for the financial support!



Our latest work is now available!

Our latest publication is now available online. This work presents the accurate modelling of Thermochemical Energy Storage devices using Neural Networks. It is available to download for free here!

We are at ECOS !

Today we are at ECOS 2019 conference. Great to hear about the most recent research on Energy Systems! We contributed with two presentations and Robin presented his work on thermochemical storage.

Adriano at EUROTHERM !

Adriano had the chance to present our latest work at the EUROTHERM 2019 conference in Lleida.